Tuesday, 23 September 2014

ByteCast: no joysticks required.

Hi Folks

Back again this time with my all time most influential Arcade Cabinets that did not have joysticks.

PLay any of these? do you think 'Yeah' or no way? please leave your feedback :-) Catch you soon.

Tuesday, 9 September 2014

RVG Podcast 2 Mark Parker.

EPISODE 2 - The Hit Man Cometh!

Hello listeners! We have a great guest to introduce in the second episode of the RVG podcast. He is an influential player in today's gaming industry as associate producer at IO Interactive working on the Hitman series.

Mark Parker is a keen retro gamer and gained his drive and inspiration from his experiences in the Amusement Arcades of Clacton by the seaside in the England.

Join us as we talk tupenny pinball through to Occulus Rift, play testing and all things in-between.



The sunspot on Google maps today.


The Shed - The private Arcade in Denmark.


Chassis Arcade.


IO Interactive


your comments are most welcome!